Worldwide | Ongoing
The German Album
With the release of The German Album, Verità captures a unique take on well-known jewels of German baroque repertoire. The first of a series of albums that similarly will portray highlights from the Italian, French, and Catalan baroque collection, all of Verita’s ambitious projects are continuously supported and executed by its extraordinary team of musicologists, engineers, consultants, video and audio producers, ensuring the highest-quality results to captivate their listeners imagination.
About the project and the ensemble
Bringing together a collective of exceptionally talented and driven musicians, all members of prestigious ensembles and orchestras worldwide that make up Verità, may have only been possible by the extreme challenges many artists endured during the pandemic lockdown. In these unprecedented times, the musicians who already knew each other through previous engagements, were finally able to make the time for communal musical soul-searching with one another. The bond created by spending a full week most every month “in residency” together as an ensemble to research, rehearse, record, and perform lead to the formation of Verità.
Since its inception as a historically informed chamber ensemble in December of 2020 by Russian flutist Taya König-Tarasevich and Italian cellist Bartolomeo Dandolo Marchesi, Verità is devoted to filling the communicative void sorely missing from prevailing presentations of the genre. Even after the pandemic, Verità enables the artists to continue immersing themselves in the intensely intimate music-making that initially brought them together. The unequivocal dedication each artist brings to re-examining universal truths speaks volumes about the collective’s idealistic spirit, magnetic charisma, and contagious inspiration.
Within changing configurations, from solo to full orchestral ensemble, they jointly research and reinterpret the broad canon of manuscripts spanning the Baroque and early Classical periods. Based on the original score, that goal often poses complex decisions about which elements are essential and must be adhered to and which rules and conventions are there to be re-envisioned. In addition to the historical pieces, the ensemble’s authentic use of period instruments and the vibrant quality of artistic interpretation inspires many contemporary composers, such as SJ Hanke, Marc Migo, Nicola Canzano, to write specifically for them.
Text by: Ilona Oltuski
The immersive Project
Invested in expanding the genre’s typical presentation format, Verità adopted an innovative engagement model - The Immersive Experience. Under the leadership of the always resourceful Mark Prihodko, who early on took over the reins of Verità’s production team, the project showcases the ensemble’s performances recorded in historic castles around Germany. Supported by the Neustart Kultur Grant of the German Government, and Evil Penguin’s pioneering scientific discoveries, the filmed performances will be positioned in 360° pavilions all across German capitals. Peaking general audience’ interest, these immersive booths expose present time viewers to the musical heritage in its cultural context.
Each filming residency results in more than 10 hours of final material in versions, idiomatically recorded for each intended use. From 360 Video and Immersive Sound to instagram reals clips and tracks for audio streaming platforms - allowing us to employ the full potential of each platform for ultimate viralization of content.
Each filming residency is taking place in a castle around Germany. We are proud to partner with Evil Penguin TV & Motor Music Productions - pioneers in the world of immersive sound and video registering. Years of their research and experience is embodied in a high quality content we are about to release.
Each residency repertoire includes well-known pieces from the baroque era, as well as pieces, especially commissioned from living composers in baroque style. The films will be available on streaming platforms after the premier in immersive pavilions installed on the railway stations around Germany.
Immersive films will be broadcasted in immersive pavilions installed in central stations of Germany. People can immersive into the Germany’s baroque legacy free of charge.