Concert and Three Course Dinner with Tonhain Kollektiv
Das in der freien Kammermusik-Szene Berlins entstandene Kollektiv hat sich schnell einen hervorragenden Ruf eines Ensembles hochtalentierter junger Künstler erworben. Ihre Hingabe an die Landschaften des Repertoires macht sie zu den Innovatoren der Branche. Begleiten Sie NOACK Konzert und begrüßen Sie diese innovativen Künstler beim Konzert und einem Drei-Gänge-Menü.

Concert and Three Course Dinner with Alinde Quartett
Ein Abend mit Franz Schubert und Josquin des Prez, elegant dargeboten vom Alinde-Quartett, ist die perfekte Art, den Frühling zu begrüßen. Das Alinde-Quartett, das sich der Einspielung sämtlicher Schubert-Quartette verschrieben hat, ist bei den europäischen Zuhörern für seinen feinen, aber dennoch kraftvollen Umgang mit dem romantischen Repertoire bekannt.

Concert and Three Course Dinner with Nürnberg Quartett
Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass vier hervorragende Kontrabassisten zusammenkommen, um die große Musik des letzten Jahrhunderts zu feiern.
Verità Baroque at L’Auditori (Barcellona)
The flute and the string, gathered in a concert at the service of generational dialogues from contrasting centuries: 20th century classics (Jordi Cervelló) and furiously contemporary authors (Marc Migó) establish complicity with the most genuine tradition of the German Baroque (Johann Sebastian Bach ) and with the Catalan music of the 18th century, presided over by the brothers Joan Baptista and Josep Pla i Agustí, without forgetting the extraordinary figure of Father Antoni Soler, from Olot who died as a Jerónimo monk in the monastery of El Escorial.

Concert and Three-Course-Dinner with Latinos Clássicos Duo at NOACK Kulturforum
With spellbinding performances, guitarist Mateus Dela Fonte and paraíba flutist Vítor Diniz, communicate this passion anew, bringing together their classical training and the music of their shared Brazilian homeland. As a duo renowned as Latinos Clássicos, they impress with the finest technical precision and fiery performances that break all barriers between European classical music and South American popular music. In a program that will embark on a journey from the roots of Western classical music to the contemporary sounds of the Brazilian composer and guitarist Marco Pereira, both young virtuoso performers bring their inspiring interpretations and their humorous and spontaneous style to Noack for the first time.

Concert and Three-Course Dinner with Shishkov-Hadjiev Duo at NOACK Kulturforum
An exciting opener of Noack’s 2023/2024 concert season, kicks off with the Shishkov-Hadjiev Duo - a collaboration between the highly imaginative Belarusian violinist Artiom Shiskov and the innovative Bulgarian cellist Stefan Hadjiev. The program highlights the most demanding works for cello-violin duo by Maurice Ravel, Bohuslav Martinu, and Zoltan Kodaly, promising as much an investigative exploration as an energy-charged performance. Highly acclaimed as international soloists and chamber musicians, both artists continuously probe beyond the traditional territories of the classical canon, creating unforgettable soundscapes with each performance.

Transmutations: Between Fragility and Permanence
In the upcoming AMARE exhibition, Lera Auerbach's diverse bronze sculptures from Vienna, Berlin, Miami, and New York are showcased for the first time together. Within Auerbach's kaleidoscopic art universe, a dance between contrasts and consonance unfolds, where intellect and emotion intertwine. Her sculptures, untouched by the norms of formal academia, emerge from an intuitive core. Driven by her life experiences, Auerbach's work reached a turning point in 2009 when a devastating fire consumed her New York studio. Destroying her library, manuscripts, personal items, and art collection, the catastrophe became an unexpected catalyst. Rising from the ashes, she found in sculpting a cathartic outlet for her intense emotional state. With its curatorial arch that spans her music, visual art, and literary creations, the festival seeks to explore the multifarious nature of Auerbach’s oeuvre across artistic disciplines.

Kyril Keduk In Recital at C. Bechstein Centrum Berlin
Join us for an exciting evening of piano solo works performed by Belarusian-Polish pianist Kiryl Keduk at Bechstein Centrum Berlin. A laureate of numerous international competitions, this young concert pianist has already captured the attention of international audiences with his sensitive playing. His absolute dedication to unraveling the jewels of lesser-known piano repertoire offers new perspective on twentieth century romanticism.